An International Conference is a knowledge sharing field where researchers share their latest findings, ideas and receive feedback to more study and can help to advance research in a particular field. It is a common field where people come together from different backgrounds to learn from each other and sharing knowledge for resolve problems. It is a platform where you come to know many of the persons working in the same field from different countries and backgrounds.
Bone Marrow is the soft, spongy tissue that has many blood cells and is found in the center of most bones. It produces blood cells and platelets for making billions of new blood cells each day. Bone marrow are two types- red and yellow- red blood cells carry oxygen and the yellow bone marrow create white cells to fight against infection. Bone marrow is the essential part of our body to survive and foods increase bone marrow.
When bone marrow failure in our body then some symptoms arise in our body like bone pain, frequent infections, anemia, fatigue, headaches and unexplained fever, pale skin, shortness of breath. Bone marrow failure can be treated with bone marrow transplant means a stem cell transplant involves is the infusion of healthy blood stem cells into the body to stimulate new bone marrow growth and restore production of healthy blood cells. Bone marrow cancer can damage the bones, kidneys, red blood cell count and mostly immune system in our body. What is bone marrow diseases, best treatment for bone marrow, failure and pain for bone marrow, its infection, test and treatment are more clearly known with an international conference on Bone Marrow. This kind of conferences can be held to prevent diseases caused by bone marrow.