International Academic Conferences on Heart Disease and Stroke

An International Conference is a knowledge sharing field where researchers share their latest findings, ideas and receive feedback to more study and can help to advance research in a particular field. It is platforms where you come to know many of the persons working in the same field from different countries and backgrounds where people come together from to learn from each other and sharing knowledge for resolve problems.

Heart disease narrates a range of conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels. It’s general means many types of heart problems medically known as cardiovascular disease. The key risk factors of heart diseases may be included smoking, high cholesterol, unhealthy diet, high blood pressure, lack of exercise and obesity. When the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle is blocked or reduced, it creates heart disease and chest pain caused by restricted blood flow to the heart muscle. When the blood flow to the heart muscle is suddenly blocked it creates heart attacks and caused of death.

A stroke is a medical emergency because it is the condition where brain damaged from interruption of its blood supply means the brain doesn’t have enough blood flow and this condition damages brain tissue. When it happens, the brain cells in that area start to die from a lack of oxygen. Some symptoms happen in the body include weakness, dizziness, numbness on one side of the body and also problems happen in talking, writing and understanding the language. An international conference on heart disease and stroke helps to a global collective of experts, professors, researcher to prepare an action plans and collaborations to contribute to fight against these dangerous diseases. Get aware of prevention and treatment of heart disease and stroke for a better healthy world.

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