International Academic Conference on Lifelong Learning

An International academic conferences is an opportunity to expand the knowledge and a big platform for academics, researchers, students and specialist, to present the results of their research efforts in front of academicians and professionals in a certain field of study and their work or theories or learn more about the most recent findings in the same field. It bring together people who share a common discipline from different parts of the world, bringing different forms of ideas which build into something greater in world wide. While you are attending international conferences you get to travel to a new place and discover its unique culture, tradition, living style, architecture, attractions, cuisine etc.  Professional conference differs from an academic conference in having broader goals and usually a much broader attendance.

Lifelong learning takes place throughout an individual’s life, it may formal or informal. Its aim to improving knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and competences within a personal, social, civic or employment related perspectives. It is not just in formal education but it is the life learning which helps to changing you with the change of demands and opportunities in your career, personal life or professional environment to growth. Formal, informal and self directed are some branches of lifelong learning. According to UNESCO’s learning ‘’ Education throughout life is based on four pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be’’. Lifelong learning helps to self motivated and pursuit our knowledge for personal and professional confidence and growth. It enhances self sustainability, active citizenship, social inclusion and as well as employability and competitiveness. An international academic conference is a wide platform for lifelong learning. Conferences can be held on almost any topic, come in many sizes which helps to grow our knowledge in a particular subject and give us more confidence for sustainable development.

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